Why Infinite Sync is the ONLY Sync for Your MinIO Private Cloud

Jeff Lin
odrive: one login to unify all your storage
4 min readJun 19, 2020


If you’re rolling your own cloud-native, distributed object storage with MinIO, then you clearly care about performance, privacy, cost, and scalability. You are not alone. Many other like-minded individuals are flocking to this opensource solution.

MinIO’s opensource technology is prolific in production deployments (stats from 6/18/2020)

Once you’ve got your storage set up, though, what’s the best way to fully unleash your private cloud investment?

If you want to make accessing the storage easier, then take a look at odrive’s universal sync client. There’s a free plan that makes syncing your storage a snap. Consider all of these benefits below to see why infinite, universal sync is a perfect partner for your infinite, high-performance storage.

Unified Access for Business Users

  • Make your storage available to your business users. Give them Dropbox-style sync that is integrated with Windows Explorer or Finder.
  • Allow users to have an aggregate view of all their storage under one login.
  • Present your own hybrid storage solution by having users link both your MinIO storage and corporate storage from a public provider.
  • “Easy” migration (no migration). Have users start using your new MinIO storage immediately without having to migrate anything from your old storage. They can link and still have access to the old storage if needed. You can then defer migration until much later when the old data would be relegated to archive storage anyway.

Enable Automation

Work at Scale

  • Syncing all content (or even metadata) is not feasible at enterprise scale. Much of your business data is inactive but must be kept around for emergencies or for compliance purposes. It’s too inefficient to grab everything.
  • Infinite Sync works by showing everything in the cloud as a placeholder cloud file first. File content is only downloaded at access time, when needed.
  • Infinite Sync is also progressive. Folders are placeholder cloud folders until they are “expanded” when they are accessed for the first time. This delays even metadata sync until necessary and reduces listing API calls against your storage.
  • Save local disk space on your client machines, reduce network bandwidth consumption, and minimize API calls to your storage infrastructure with Infinite Sync.

More (Advanced Features)

  • Unsync a file to return it back to a placeholder cloud file. This allows you to reclaim local disk space when you are no longer working with a particular file.
  • Configure sync to target specific folders on your desktop outside of the odrive folder. This can be used for backing up important folders or getting data that originates in a particular folder into the cloud.
  • Zero-Knowledge Encryption is also available. Since you control your own MinIO storage, though, it’s not likely you’ll be using this unless you want to allow outside users to consume your storage and encrypt it.
Take your storage to another level with MinIO and odrive! Image credit: NASA/SpaceX

Cleared for Launch

We hope that we’ve made it clear how much MinIO adopters can benefit from having their users access your storage with odrive. You can always try the free version of odrive out first (comes with a no credit card required 7-day free trial of premium features). If you find something that could be better, tell us what you think. We’re always ready to listen when our users give us ideas on how we can improve. Thanks for hearing us out!



Works at odrive, wants the world to embrace true, next-generation cloud storage — no silos, everything available, always protected from unauthorized access.